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Surrogate C-Suite Coaching for Scaling Business Owners

Get Out of The Trenches and Lead the Burnout Free Business You Envision

Ready to finally break through to the next level?

You’re smart, savvy and ready to scale but you’re struggling to break through to the next level. You know you’re making costly mistakes in allocating time, talent and money. And you want to lead the business you envision without your clients (and your team) relying on you for everything.

In the Surrogate C-Suite business coaching program, we work with you to create a strategic plan of action in manageable stages to scale your business in a safe and controllable way (including getting your team members on board). This one-to-one coaching program is perfect for female entrepreneurs who:

  • Appreciate a no nonsense approach with a whole lot of humor thrown in
  • Value accountability and strategic guidance
  • Want access to a Surrogate C-Suite (finance, operations, technology, marketing, sales and human resources)
  • Have time available to work ON your business
  • Either have a team in place, or in the process of building one, to support you

What You Get From
Surrogate C-Suite Coaching

  • Free yourself of the Superhuman Syndrome (trying to be all things, to all people, at all times)
  • Feel energized and empowered by implementing a phased growth plan that balances your long-term goals and short-term needs
  • Allocate time, talent and revenue to maximize opportunities for increasing revenue while also reducing effort and unnecessary expenses.
  • Transition from being irreplaceable in your business to scaling with ease and confidence.
  • Uplevel your business model to be less susceptible to economic and personal stressors
  • Evaluate the health and diversification opportunities in your target markets to be recession-resistant
  • Analyze changing buyer behavior within current target markets to increase conversions and client lifetime value

We also provide structured support in implementing and testing to triage unexpected issues and optimize results.

Nurturing Exciting Breakthroughs for our Clients!

When Katie S teamed up with us at Snap Savvy Strategies, she was seeking a breakthrough for her business, which was then experiencing financial challenges. Through our collaboration, Katie’s dedication and our strategic guidance led to a remarkable transformation. In just 90 days, we witnessed her cash flow make an extraordinary leap from four figures in the negative to five figures in the positive. This significant turnaround is a powerful testament to the effective synergy between Katie’s hard work and our tailored support, showcasing our commitment to empowering entrepreneurs like Katie to achieve substantial financial growth and business success.

“Nikkie is whipping us into shape from top to bottom in a supportive and fun way, and her team has been great as well.”
-Katie S., CEO

How We Work Together

Assessment & Action Plan –

How do we get from where your Business is Today to where you want it to be?

We’ll assess critical areas for balanced business growth and determine which areas are most urgent and focus on those first. Then we design a strategic plan of action you and your team can implement on your own or with additional business coaching support.

During this Surrogate C-Suite coaching program, you’ll be guided through 4 phases. Each phase includes a detailed 90-day action plan to prevent overwhelm and to balance your business’s long-term goals with short-term revenue-generating needs.

Phase 1

Identify Urgent Needs

Prioritize & focus on the most pressing needs & growth opportunities

Phase 2

4 Detailed 90-Day Action Plans

Manageable steps so you feel confident and in control throughout the implementation stage.

Phase 3

Implementation & Accountability

We’ll work with you to ensure action steps are being implemented and offer structured support if an unexpected issue arises during this stage.

Testing & Triage

Follow-up session(s) to address issues that arise during the implementation of your new Profitability Plan.

Included In
The Savvy

You’re ready to take your business to the next level if only you knew how. This 7-part assessment identifies urgent needs and growth opportunities. In addition, we provide a strategic action plan to scale in a safe and controllable way so your business works even when you’re not.


Identify where you can fine-tune your operations, expenses, and billing to increase cash flow for long-term growth and sustainability without disrupting short-term needs.


Evaluate your current revenue streams and identify growth and profitability opportunities to increase working capital.


Explore how effective your funnel is in capturing your ideal client at the right price point and increasing client lifetime value.


Review and assess where your sales process may be leaking so it can be optimized for higher conversion rates.


Pinpoint leaks in your operational processes that negatively impact your bottom line and keep you from breaking through to the next level.


Provide technological solutions that alleviate time-consuming tasks for you and your team so you focus on and prioritize areas that increase ease, growth and profit in your business.


Examine all available resources (money, time and people) to determine where you can streamline and minimize costs and inefficiencies, including team growth planning and onboarding so you don’t overextend or jeopardize financial stability.

SAVVY CEO Coaching

Scale in a Strategic, Safe, & Controllable Way

Nikkie is one of the most passionate, talented entrepreneurs I know. Her dedication to seeing small businesses succeed is contagious. She is not only an expert at helping SMEs understand how to price their services for profitability but she also helps people think bigger and get out of their own way.

If you’re looking to grow (profitably), Nikkie is the perfect guide.

Felena Hanson, Founder Hera Hub

Our coaching program is ideal for driven business owners who have completed an Emerging CEO Assessment or Profitability Power-up Package. Using the discoveries in your assessment, we provide personalized coaching and accountability adapted to meet your business needs so you eliminate blind spots and optimize profitability and processes to scale in safe, sane and strategic phases.

Addressing behaviors and/or beliefs in you or your team members that may be limiting professional or business growth

Implementing solutions for reducing expenses and costly inefficiencies

Increasing cash flow and working capital

Reaching key objectives without disrupting revenue-generating activities

Allocating resources (time, money and people) to optimize results

Evaluating profit margins of current revenue streams

Pinpointing blind spots and costly mistakes that keep you from breaking through to the next level

Exploring technological solutions that alleviate time-consuming tasks

Identifying new opportunities for sustainable growth and recurring revenue

Surrogate C-Suite

C-Suite support without the cost of a full-time board or executive team.

The Surrogate C-Suite Program is designed to support emerging entrepreneurs in getting out of the trenches, scaling strategically (and sanely) and leading the businesses they envisioned.

In this revolutionary program, you’ll have ongoing access to an advisory board of vetted professionals who specialize in a specific C-Suite role. In these online sessions, you’ll gain key insights, receive professional advice in overcoming challenges and feel confident in taking calculated risks that support you in reaching next level success.

Nikkie Achartz,

As the founder and facilitator of the Surrogate C-Suite Program, Nikkie’s strengths are identifying blind spots, offering outside the box solutions, and gathering pertinent data for strategic decision-making. As a pricing and profitability expert, she evaluates your time, talent and money to ensure your resources are being leveraged appropriately for maximum growth.

Surrogate CFO

Gain unparalleled financial foresight & strategic planning assistance to optimize your cash flow, improve profitability, and navigate financial complexities, ensuring your business’s financial health & growth.

Surrogate COO

Enhance your operational efficiency and streamline business processes with expert advice, driving productivity and scalability while maintaining the quality of your products or services.

Surrogate CIO

Leverage cutting-edge technology and innovative strategies to safeguard your digital assets, optimize your IT infrastructure, and drive forward-thinking decisions that keep you ahead in the digital era.

Surrogate CMO

Elevate your brand and expand your market reach with creative and impactful marketing strategies designed to connect with your target audience and drive sustainable business growth.

Surrogate CCO

Craft compelling content strategies that resonate with your audience, enhancing your brand’s voice and online presence to engage customers and drive conversions.

Surrogate CHRO

Build a thriving workplace culture and attract top talent by implementing effective HR strategies that enhance employee engagement, development, and retention.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Let’s chat.